Sara Laughinghouse, LPC

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The Green Balloon

“Because green balloons are happy…”

This was the comment from my best friend as she embarked on a new life adventure. One that was exhilarating, scary, and joy-filled! I’ll never forget our conversation about the green balloon and the event thereafter. From that moment on green balloons have been a representational force in our friendship, in life, and in the pursuit of joy.

Therefore, I found it fitting as I start a new life adventure, to bring along the green balloons.

This new adventure was not always my ‘dream.’ I’d like to believe I am not that different from most folk, in that, for while I was just a dreamer. I dreamt all kinds of things for my life. Starting as early as 5th grade, when I wrote in my chicken soup for the soul journal that when I grow up I’d be an: actress or librarian. Talk about early onset of extroverted desires meeting an introverted reality! However, the spectrum of dreams continued throughout college and early on in my career. I toyed with a lot of dreams such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, traveling the world, opening a boutique, becoming a fashion blogger, opening a bar, writing a book, starting a wellness guru guide, and all the while I was a mental health counselor working 8 to 5 for a non-profit agency. I never jumped on any of these ideas ultimately because I didn’t know how and I was scared. It was challenging to take a risk and try something new.

Maybe you’ve felt that way before, too.

I’m taking a big leap here that most of us have been through this back and forth pull of not only our dreams but of who we are and what we want to do. Narrowing ourselves to one dream, one path, one pursuit is a little bit crazy if you ask me. So, the purpose of this blog post is to introduce a little piece of me, this new adventure, and hope you can relate. This business is a new start, a new chapter, and a new dream. As you may notice, this is not a singular practice. It can be a multitude of entities whether it’s counseling, coaching, training, wellness guiding, or just consulting. I have accepted the notion that narrowing down my vision was hurting me. It was causing me to be stuck in a false reality dream world where I wasn’t moving forward or happy. So, here is a new dream adventure that accepts the back and forth, the ambiguity, and the arbitrariness that is life.

Here, is my green balloon!

Sara Laughinghouse, PLLC is not only a business venture for myself but hopefully a starting point for you. My desire for the green balloon is to expand and float from my heart to yours and maybe you’ll find your own force that inflates you too!

From my heart to yours, 
