Today, I will > Today, I didn't...
Does anyone else ever get overwhelmed by things they were not able to accomplish? The never-ending lists that don’t get the checked off check-marks. I can get moody when I don’t accomplish my tasks. My thoughts take me to “I’ll never get that done…,” “I don’t have time for…”, or some version of “I won’t be able to...” This leads to a rise in negativity that subtly says I basically lack the ability to be an efficient human being. Some questions arise like “Why can’t I get more done with my day? Am I lazy?” From there, cue the Instagram comparisons, “I am not enough” statements, which leads to a spiral down a pessimistic pit. Anyone relate?
This morning I wanted a new caption for the chalkboard in my office. After letting my mind wonder three simple words emerged; today, I will. In that moment, I didn’t even know I was having these feelings about my lists or lack of accomplished tasks. However, it hit me later that this small structural change to my sentence created a completely different mindset. I looked at my unfinished lists from last week and the new list I started for this week and said, “Today, I will accomplish one goal on this list, and I will be grateful for that. I looked at the rest of the list and all of a sudden those unchecked boxes became targets for today and tomorrow. My unaccomplished lists actually provide a purpose. My granddaddy used to say, “Leave at least one task for tomorrow, so you have a reason to start your day.” That may not be from the therapy books, but I like it! All of a sudden unchecked lists aren’t pessimistic pits that make me feel bad, but they are purpose-filled inspirations to start with and I will versus I didn't. “Today, I will” is simple yet powerful. I hope you too find a simple sentence change or an empowering message that creates your own burst of inspiration because today, I most definitely will.